Fly Song

[ para a minha princesa / for my princess ]

[ kuka ]

Num momento de muita dor da minha vida agradeço as vossas palavras de conforto.
In a moment of great pain in my life I thank you for your words of comfort.

Friday, 4 November 2011



A minha princesa morreu hoje. Nem eu sabia que ela ocupava
tanto espaço no meu coração. Sei-o agora, pelo tamanho da dor.
My princess died today. Not even I knew that she occupied
so much space in my heart. I know it now, by the size of the pain.
[ se eu pudesse tinha-te dado parte de mim para te salvar ]
[ if i could i had given you part of me to save you ]

Again / Be Strong, My Princess

Another operation.
I have lost count.
This is the most decisive.
It's a tremendous fight against cancer.
For various reasons, will be high risk.
If she survives, this surgery will be a miracle.
I have my heart too small and fragile.